

In his book "The Rosicrucian Mysteries", Max Heindel summarized these four different types of ethers:

« The occult investigator finds that ether is of four kinds, or grades of density:

·        The Chemical Ether,
·        The Life Ether,
·        The Light Ether,
·        The Reflecting Ether.

1) The Chemical Ether is the avenue of expression for forces promoting assimilation, growth and the maintenance of form.

2) The Life Ether is the vantage ground of forces active in propagation, or the building of new forms.

3) The Light Ether transmits the motive power of the sun along the various nerves of living bodies and makes motion possible.

4) The Reflecting Ether receives an impression of all that is, lives and moves. It also records each change, in a similar manner as the film upon a moving picture machine. In this record mediums and psychometrists may read the past, upon the same principle as, under proper conditions, moving pictures are reproduced time and again»
(Chapter 3)

And in his book "The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception", Max Heindel gave many more details about it:

« To the trained clairvoyant ether is as tangible as are the solids, liquids, and gases of the Chemical Region to ordinary beings. He sees that the vital forces which give life to the mineral forms of plant, animal and man flow into these forms, by means of the four states of ether. The names and specific functions of these four ethers are as follows.

Chemical Ether

This ether is both positive and negative in its manifestation. The forces which cause assimilation and excretion work through it. Assimilation is the process whereby the different nutritive elements of food are incorporated into the body of plant, animal and man.

This is carried on by forces with which we shall become acquainted later. They work along the positive pole of the chemical ether and attract the needed elements, building them into the forms concerned. These forces do not act blindly nor mechanically, but in a selective way (well-known to scientists by its effects) thereby accomplishing their purpose, which is the growth and maintenance of the body.

Excretion is carried on by forces of the same kind, but working along the negative pole of the chemical ether. By means of this pole they expel from the body the materials in the food which are unfit for use, or those which have outlived their usefulness in the body and should be expurgated from the system.

This, like all other processes independent of man's volition, is also wise, selective, and not merely mechanical in its operation, as seen, for instance, in the case of the action of the kidneys, where only the urine is filtered through when the organs are in health; but it is known that when the organs are not in health, the valuable albumen is allowed to escape with the urine, the proper selection not being made because of an abnormal condition.

Life Ether

As the chemical ether is the avenue for the operation of the forces the object of which is the maintenance of the individual form, so the life ether is the avenue for the operation of the forces which have for their object the maintenance of the species — the forces of propagation.

Like the chemical ether, the life ether also has its positive and negative pole. The forces which work along the positive pole are those which work in the female during gestation. They enable her to do the positive, active work of bringing forth a new being. On the other hand the forces which work along the negative pole of the life ether enable the male to produce semen.

In the work on the impregnated ovum of the animal and man, or upon the seed of the plant, the forces working along the positive pole of the life ether produce male plants, animals and men; while the forces which express themselves through the negative pole generate females.

Light Ether

This ether is both positive and negative, and the forces which play along its positive pole are the forces which generate the blood heat in the higher species of animal and in man, which makes them individual sources of heat. The forces which work along the negative pole of the light ether are those which operate through the senses, manifesting as the passive functions of sight, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smelling. They also build and nourish the eye.

In the cold-blooded animals the positive pole of the light ether is the avenue of the forces which circulate the blood, and the negative forces have the same functions in regard to the eye as in the case of the higher animals and man. Where eyes are lacking, the forces working in the negative pole of the light ether are perhaps building or nourishing other sense organs, as they do in all that have sense organs.

In plants the forces which work along the positive pole of the light ether cause the circulation of the juices of the plant. Thus in winter, when the light ether is not charged with sunlight as in summer, the sap ceases to flow until the summer sun again invests the light ether with its force. The forces which work along the negative pole of the light ether deposit the chlorophyll, the green substance of the plant and also color the flowers. In fact, all color, in all the kingdoms is deposited by means of the negative pole of the light ether.

Therefore animals have the deepest color on the back and flowers are deepest colored on the side turned towards the light. In the polar regions of the earth, where the rays of the sun are weak, all color is lighter and in some cases is so sparingly deposited that in winter it is withdrawn altogether and the animals become white.

Reflecting Ether

It has heretofore been stated that the idea of the house which has existed in the mind can be recovered from the memory of nature, even after the death of the architect. Everything that has ever happened has left behind it an ineffaceable picture in this reflecting ether. As the giant ferns of the childhood of the Earth have left their pictures in the coal beds, and as the progress of the glacier of a bygone day may be traced by means of the trail it has left upon the rocks along its path, even so are the thoughts and acts of men ineffaceably recorded by nature in this reflecting ether, where the trained seer may read their story with an accuracy commensurate with his ability.

The reflecting ether deserves its name for more than one reason, for the pictures in it are but reflections of the memory of nature. The real memory of nature is found in a much higher realm. In this reflecting ether no thoroughly trained clairvoyant cares to read, as the pictures are blurred and vague compared to those found in the higher realm.

Those who read in the reflecting ether are generally those who have no choice, who, in fact, do not know in what they are reading. As a rule ordinary psychometrists and mediums obtain their knowledge through the reflecting ether. To some slight extent the pupil of the occult school in the first stages of his training also reads in the reflecting ether, but he is warned by his teacher of the insufficiencies of this ether as a means of acquiring accurate information, so that he does not easily draw wrong conclusions.

This ether is also the medium through which thought makes an impression upon the human brain. It is most intimately connected with the fourth subdivision of the World of Thought. This is the highest of the four subdivisions contained in the Region of Concrete Thought and is the homeworld of the human mind. There a much clearer version of the memory of nature is found than in the reflecting ether. »
(Chapter 1)


Unfortunately, all these affirmations Max Heindel said, are falsehoods because in reality the ethers do not exist for the reasons that I explain in this other article.


On this subject, in his book "The Rosicrucian Mysteries ", Max Heindel wrote the following:

« As already said, the ether is physical matter and responsive to the same laws which govern other physical substances upon this plane of existence. Therefore it requires but a slight extension of physical sight to see ether, (which is disposed in four grades of density), the blue haze seen in mountain canyons is in fact ether of the kind known to occult investigators as chemical ether.”

Many people who see this ether, are unaware that they are possessed of a faculty not enjoyed by all. Others, who have developed spiritual sight are not endowed with etheric vision, a fact which seems an anomaly until the subject of clairvoyance is thoroughly understood.

The reason is, that as ether is physical matter, etheric sight depends upon the sensitiveness of the optic nerve while spiritual sight is acquired by developing latent vibratory powers in two little organs situated in the brain: the Pituitary body and the Pineal gland.

Nearsighted people even, may have etheric vision. Though unable to read the print in a book, they may be able to “see through a wall,” owing to the fact that their optic nerve responds more rapidly to fine than to coarse vibrations.

When anyone views an object with etheric sight he sees through that object in a manner similar to the way an x-ray penetrates opaque substances. If he looks at a sewing machine, he will perceive, first an outer casing; then, the works within, and behind both, the casing furthest away from him.

If he has developed the grade of spiritual vision which opens the Desire World to him and he looks at the same object, he will see it both inside and out. If he looks closely, he will perceive every little atom spinning upon its axis and no part or particle will be excluded from his perception.

But if his spiritual sight has been developed in such a measure that he is capable of viewing the sewing machine with the vision peculiar to the World of Thought, he will behold a cavity where he had previously seen the form.

Things seen with etheric vision are very much alike in color, they are nearly reddish-blue, purple or violet, according to the density of the ether, but when we view any object with the spiritual sight pertaining to the Desire World, it scintillates and coruscates in a thousand ever changing colors so indescribably beautiful that they can only be compared to living fire, and the writer therefore calls this grade of vision color sight, but when the spiritual vision of the World of Thought is the medium of perception, the seer finds that in addition to still more beautiful colors, there issues from the cavity described a constant flow of a certain harmonious tone.

Thus this world wherein we now consciously live and which we perceive by means of our physical senses is preeminently the world of form, the Desire World is particularly the world of color and the World of Thought is the realm of tone.

Because of the relative proximity or distance of these worlds, a statue, a form, withstands the ravages of time for millenniums, but the colors upon a painting fade in far shorter time, for they come from the Desire World, and music which is native to the World furthest removed from us, the World of Thought, is like a will-o-the-wisp which none may catch or hold, it is gone again as soon as it has made its appearance. But there is in color and music a compensation for this increasing evanescence.

The statue is cold and dead as the mineral of which it is composed and has attractions for but few though its form is a tangible reality.

The forms upon a painting are illusory yet they express life, on account of the color which has come from a region where nothing is inert and lifeless. Therefore the painting is enjoyed by many.

Music is intangible and ephemeral, but it comes from the home world of the spirit and though so fleeting it is recognized by the spirit as a soul-speech fresh from the celestial realms, an echo from the home whence we are now exiled, and therefore it touches a cord in our being, regardless of whether we realize the true cause or not.

Thus we see that there are various grades of spiritual sight, each suited to the superphysical realm which it opens to our perception: Etheric vision, color vision and tonal vision. »
(Chapter 3)


Unfortunately, these Max Heindel’s explanations gave on the etheric clairvoyance are full of lies he invented, because in reality there no exist the ethers due to the reasons that I explain you in this other article.


On this subject, in his book "The Rosicrucian Mysteries ", Max Heindel wrote the following:

« In addition to the solids, liquids and gases which compose the Chemical Region of the Physical World there is also a finer grade of matter called Ether, which permeates the atomic structure of the earth and its atmosphere substantially as science teaches.

Scientists have never seen, nor have they weighed, measured or analyzed this substance, but they infer that it must exist in order to account for transmission of light and various other phenomena.

If it were possible for us to live in a room from which the air had been exhausted we might speak at the top of our voices, we might ring the largest bell or we might even discharge a cannon close to our ear and we should hear no sound, for air is the medium which transmits sound vibrations to the tympanum of our ear, and that would be lacking. But if an electric light were lighted, we should at once perceive its rays; it would illumine the room despite the lack of air.

Hence there must be a substance, capable of being set into vibration, between the electric light and our eyes. That medium scientists call ether, but it is so subtile that no instrument has been devised whereby it may be measured or analyzed and therefore the scientists are without much information concerning it, though forced to postulate its existence.

We do not seek to belittle the achievements of modern scientists, we have the greatest admiration for them and we entertain high expectations of what ambitions they may yet realize, but we perceive a limitation in the fact, that all discoveries of the past have been made by the invention of wonderful instruments applied in a most ingenious manner to solve seemingly insoluble and baffling problems.

The strength of science lies vested in its instruments, for the scientist may say to anyone: Go, procure a number of glasses ground in a certain manner, insert them in a tube, direct that tube toward a certain point in the sky where now nothing appears to your naked eye. You will then see a beautiful star called Uranus.

If his directions are followed, anyone is quickly and without preparation, able to demonstrate for himself the truth of the scientist's assertion. But while the instruments of science are its tower of strength they also mark the end of its field of investigation, for it is impossible to contact the spirit world with physical instruments, so the research of occultists begins where the physical scientist finds his limit and are carried on by spiritual means. »
(Chapter 3)


In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, scientists theorized the hypothesis that there was an invisible substance in space (which they called "ether") that allowed light to propagate. However, the negative result of the Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887 suggested that the ether did not exist, and the theory of relativity published in 1905 by Albert Einstein ended up causing the scientific community to discard the theory of the ether.

And this shows how little Max Heindel did research because by the time he published his book (1911), what he wrote was already out of date. But also in his ignorance, Max Heindel believed that Leadbeater's "clairvoyant" investigations of the ether were genuine, when in fact they turned out to be completely false as I show you in this other article (see link).


Max Heindel put in his books, the results of the clairvoyant investigations that he carried out on the ethers, and which I transcribed them in the following articles:

(Later I will put them)

And the explanations that Max Heindel gives on this subject are very novel, since I had not read them before, and therefore in a first instance this could seem very attractive for students of esotericism.

But unfortunately everything that Max Heindel claims to have discovered about ethers, are pure lies because in reality ethers do not exist, since they were a falsehood invented by Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant, as I am going to show you below.

Leadbeater and Besant affirmed that they observed the atomic structure of matter with their clairvoyance, and in their book "Occult Chemistry" (1909) they assured that they perceived four pre-constituent states of visible matter to which denominated them "etheric".

But for misfortune to Leadbeater and Besant, their clairvoyance turned out to be completely bad, because all the claims they made turned out to be totally false. And their clairvoyant studies of atoms were no exception, since their book "Occult Chemistry" has been severely criticized by scientists. For example, the chemistry department in Yale University shattered it ensuring that everything Leadbeater and Besant said about atoms turned out to be completely wrong (see link).

And they pointed out that Leadbeater and Besant published fake data, even knowing that the data was incorrect, thereby demonstrating their intentional quackery.

And esotericists are also very critical to Leadbeater and Besant, and for example, researcher Geoffrey Farthing wrote a book explaining the reasons why ethers discovered by Leadbeater and Besant, in reality they do not exist, and here is a summary of his arguments:

« 1) In order to be able to incorporate their four etheric states into the septenary structure of physical matter, Leadbeater and Annie Besant had to eliminate the fourth state of matter, which is incandescence. But made that is absurd since the element of fire is found in all esoteric traditions and also in science.

2) In addition, the classification they teach is very different from the classification taught by theosophy and ancient Hindu tradition. And to prove it to you, next I show you the seven states of physical matter taught by Leadbeater and Annie Besant, and later by others who have copied them.

And below you can see the seven states of physical matter taught by Blavatsky and the ancient Hindu tradition.

still unknown
in Occident
primordial or supreme matter (aether)
still unknown
in Occident
self-existing matter,
anupadaka or
akasha or alaya
taijasa or tejas

And as you can verify there are notable differences, because in Theosophy and Hindu tradition the vital body belongs to another plane of existence, and of the four higher states of physical matter only one is ethereal.

3) In addition, Leadbeater and Annie Besant have declared that these ethers are in a formative phase of what they called the "primordial physical atom" or "anu". The anu was a fundamental atom concept invented 31 years earlier by Edwin Babbitt.

And Leadbeater and Annie Besant claimed to have perceived the anu through their clairvoyance, and even they have discovered that in reality there are two types of anu: the feminine and the masculine.

But the anu turned out to be a false concept, because there is no such thing as an indestructible atom, as it was believed at the beginning of the 20th century, since science has discovered that atoms are made up of smaller particles, and these particles in turn are made up of even smaller sub-particles, etc.

4) However, what most demolishes the existence of the ethers is that Leadbeater and Annie Besant claimed that the change from one etheric state to another etheric state requires also a change in the atomic structure.

But science has discovered that this is not the case when atoms change from one state of matter to another (for example from solid to liquid, or from liquid to gas, etc.).

And therefore, what Leadbeater and Annie Besant have proposed totally contravenes the conservation of atomic structure, and therefore is incompatible with the laws that physics dictates.

Conclusion: The etheric states described by Leadbeater and Annie Besant are an erroneous deduction on the part of these two individuals that has not been corroborated by anyone else. On the contrary, it has been overthrown by the teachings provided by the masters, by the knowledge of ancient esoteric traditions, and by the discoveries made by science. »
(“The etheric double? The Far Reaching Effects of a False Assumption”)

In addition, you should know that the book "Occult Chemistry" is so full of errors that the own Adyar publishing company has ceased to publish this book since the middle of the last century to try to cover up the charlatanism of its authors.


And all this shows me that Max Heindel was a very deceitful man, because I can still understand that he committed the mistake to accept the existence of the four etheric states, since many other instructors also made the same mistake, such as: Rudolf Steiner, Alice Bailey, Mikhael Aivanhov, Samael Aun Weor, etc.

But on the other hand, what he no longer has any forgiveness is that he invented all his clairvoyant investigations about those ethers, because that shows a deep charlatanism from Max Heindel.