

In his book "The Rosicrucian Cosmos-Conception", Max Heindel on this subject wrote the following:

« The first step in Occultism, is the study of the invisible Worlds. These Worlds are invisible to the majority of people because of the dormancy of the finer and higher senses whereby they may be perceived, in the same way that the Physical World about us is perceived through the physical senses. »

This is correct.

« As to the reality of these higher Worlds compared with that of the Physical World, strange as it may seem, these higher Worlds, which to the majority appear as mirages, or even less substantial, are, in truth, much more real and the objects in them more lasting and indestructible than the objects in the Physical World. »

This is not valid for all the higher worlds, because for example, in the astral world, you can create and remove objects very easily and with the simple will of your thinking, because the astral substance is very malleable, since it is the matrix of the physical world.

« To understand the Physical World, which is the world of effects, it is necessary to understand the super-physical World, which is the world of causes. »

This is not entirely correct, because it is true that the great cosmic laws come from the top down, but on the other hand the masters have emphasized that for humans, the physical world is the world of causes and the supra-physical world is the world of effects.

And this is because, depending on what we do on Earth, it will determine the kind of existence, we will have later after we die and we go up to the super-physical world. And also because our actions in the physical world have an impact on the astral plane, which returns them to us under the law of karma.

« In the Rosicrucian teaching, the universe is divided into seven different Worlds, or states of matter, as follows:

   1 — World of God
   2 — World of Virgin Spirits
   3 — World of Divine Spirit
   4 — World of Life Spirit
   5 — World of Thought
   6 — Desire World
   7 — Physical World

Here, Max Heindel tells a big lie, because the Rosicrucians have never taught this classification, and this structure is incorrect for the reasons that I will detail later.

« And each World is subdivided into seven Regions or sub-divisions of matter that composes it. »

This is correct.

The text up, Max Heindel wrote in chapter 1, and in chapter 3, he spoke of the correspondences that exist between those worlds with the bodies of man:

« Our study thus far of the seven Worlds or states of matter has shown us that each serves a definite purpose in the economy of nature, and that God, the Great Spirit, in Whom we actually and in fact “live and move and have our being" is the Power that permeates and sustains the whole Universe with Its Life; but while that Life flows into and is immanent in every atom of the six lower Worlds and all contained therein, in the Seventh — the highest — the Triune God alone is.

The next highest or sixth realm is the World of Virgin Spirits. Here those sparks from the divine “Flam” have their being before they commence their long pilgrimage through the five denser Worlds for the purpose of developing latent potentialities into dynamic powers.

As the seed unfolds its hidden possibilities by being buried in the soil, so these virgin spirits will, in time, when they have passed through matter (the school of experience), also become divine “Flames,” capable of bringing forth universes from themselves.

The five Worlds constitute the field of man’s evolution, the three lower or denser being the scene of the present phase of his development. »

And Max Heindel summarized all his explanation with the following schema:

(This is in Chapter I, p.54)

But unfortunately this diagram is full of errors and deformations, and this is because Max Heindel copied all the lies invented by Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant.

And to prove it to you, here is what Leadbeater wrote in chapter V of his book "A Textbook of Theosophy":

« Mrs. Besant, President of the Theosophical Society, has decided to take new names to name the planes. So in the future this new nomenclature will be used to replace the old names that were given in volume II of my book “The Inner Life”.

Below is a table for reference.

Divine World
Adi plane
Monadic World
Plano Aupapaduka
Spiritual World
Atomic or Nirvanic Plane
Intuitional World
Buddhic Plane
Mental World
Mental Plane
Emotional or Astral World
Astral plane
Physical World
Physical Plane


And as you can see, it's the same structure that Max Heindel used; he just changed the names a bit.

  • The Divine World, he called it The World of God
  • The Monadic World, he called it The World of Virgin Spirits
  • The Spiritual World, he called it The World of Divine Spirit
  • The Intuitional World, he called it The World of Life Spirit
  • The Mental World, he called it The World of Thought
  • The Emotional or Astral World, he called it The World of Desires
  • And for the Physical World, he use the same name

But the structure taught by the masters of wisdom and their true disciples is very different, as I will show you next, since they explained that the seven planes of existence where humans unfold are the following:

And these seven planes are grouped into three parts:

A) The three higher planes constitute the divine world. (Although it would be more accurate to say: the part of the divine world that humans can now access, since there are still higher levels of existence, but to be able to access them, one must already be a very advanced initiate).

B) The three lower planes constitute the terrestrial world, of which only the physical plane is perceptible to the physical senses. But there is also a subtle counterpart that is the astral plane, which serves to give shape to matter. And there is also another subtle counterpart that is the energetic plane, which serves to vitalize that matter. (Because if the energetic plane did not exist, the matter would remain dead, and if the astral plane did not exist, the matter would dissolve, becoming again energy).

C) And to connect these two worlds there is an intermediate plane that serves as a bridge between the divine world and the terrestrial world.

And as you can see, the structure taught by Original Theosophy is very different from what Leadbeater and Max Heindel teaches.


However, despite the strong evidence that Leadbeater, Besant and Max Heindel wrote incorrect things, several of their followers have claimed me that the matter is not for as much and that they do not see why I make "a whole scandal", since there is not much difference between the two structures.

But those who think like this is because they have NOT studied esotericism seriously, because if they had really investigated more deeply, than they would be as outraged as I am, and to prove them, consider the following analogy:

Imagine that Leadbeater in his arrogance decides that the notes of the musical range are incorrect and that therefore he must modify them.

And then he decides to join the “C with the “D, and also the “E with the “F. And as he eliminated two notes, to continue having seven notes, he invents two new notes (and which we suppose he calls them: “J” and “K).

So instead of having:

C – D – E – F – G – A – B

Now we have:

CD – EF – G – A – B – J – K

And the one who does not know much about music is going to say:

              "I do not see much difference, since there are also seven notes and sound similar, so it can be considered that it is more or less the same."

But instead he who knows music will say:

              "But what circus did that guy! How they want me to touch such a jumble of inventions and deformations! This cannot be applied in any real musical score!"

And the same happens to the deformations that Leadbeater invented with esotericism.

  • Because having gathered the physical plane with the energetic plane.
  • And to have joined the astral plane with the kamasic plane.
  • And to have invented the divine plane and the monadic plane.

Leadbeater completely altered the structure taught by the Trans-Himâlayan Masters and this structure IS THE BASE on which everything that exists in the Universe is organized, because of the Correspondence Law that says:

"As is above, is below, as is in the small, is in the great."

And consequently that septenary structure taught by the Masters will also be reflected in all the other aspects of Creation.

For example:

In the macrocosmic scales of the Universe

In the hidden constitution of the humans

In the cosmic evolution that humans make through the seven rounds, since it is in each of these rounds that one of these seven principles is perfected.

And also in the evolution that humans make within each of these rounds through the seven root races.

And these correspondences also you find them:

-      on the sacred planets,
-      in the rays of creation,
-      in the chakras,
-      in the colors,
-      in the musical notes,
-      in the hidden structure of the different kingdoms of nature (the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom), etc.


And when people alter the basic structure, these correspondences disappear (what happens with the various esoteric pseudo-teachings that have emerged). And that's why while you keep reading only the books of Leadbeater, Besant or Max Heindel, the structures they teach will seem very consistent.

But the day you want to apply those structures with what the masters of wisdom really taught, you will crash because simply those alterations are irreconcilable with the true esoteric teaching.

So it is up to you to decide if you want to keep wasting your time studying false things or if you really want to acquire true esoteric knowledge.

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