

In the chapters 6 to 8 of his book "The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception", Max Heindel details how (according to him) it is the cosmic evolution of our planet.

But it would be a waste of time that you try to understand it because this explanation is totally false.

And to prove it to you, we will simply take two diagrams where Max Heindel summarizes his explanation:

And if you observe, you will find that the explanation given by Max Heindel is a copy of the explanation given by Charles Leadbeater on the same topic:

Max Heindel simply changed the names of the planes of existence a bit:

  • The atmic plane, he called it The World of Divine Spirit
  • The buddhic plane, he called it The World of Life Spirit
  • The higher mental plane, he called it The Region of Abstract Thought
  • The lower mental plane, he called it The Region of Concrete Thought
  • The astral plane, he called him The Desire World
  • The etheric plane, he called it The Etheric Region
  • The physical plane, he called it The Chemical Region

But to Max Heindel's misfortune, it turns out that everything Leadbeater taught about this matter is completely wrong for the reasons I detail in this other article (see link).

And another thing that also changed Max Heindel, is that instead of listing those seven periods from one to seven as Leadbeater did, Max Heindel gave them the names of several celestial bodies of the solar system.

In this regard, Max Heindel wrote the following:

« In the Rosicrucian terminology, the names of the seven Periods are as follows:

    1.   The Saturn Period
    2.   The Solar Period
    3.   The Lunar Period
    4.   The Earth Period
    5.   The Jupiter Period
    6.   The Venus Period
    7.   The Vulcan Period

It must not be thought that the above-mentioned Periods have anything to do with the planets which move in their orbits around the sun in company with the earth. In fact, it cannot be too emphatically stated that there is no connection whatever between these planets and the Periods.

The Periods are simply past, present or future incarnations of our Earth, “conditions” through which it has passed, is now passing, or will pass in the future. »
(Chapter 6, p.190)

And here one asks:

If these names have nothing to do with the other celestial bodies of the solar system, then why did Max Heindel put these names?

And the answer is because this bizarre idea of naming those seven periods in this way was invented by Rudolf Steiner, who in his book "Occult Science", wrote the following:

« In supersensible research this first planetary embodiment may be called Saturn, the second may be designated Sun and the third, Moon; the fourth is the Earth.

One thing, however, must be strictly borne in mind in regard to these designations. They must not, to begin with, be associated in any way with the identical names as applied to the members of our present solar system.

“Saturn,” “Sun” and “Moon” are here intended simply as the names for past evolutionary forms which the Earth has gone through. And the following names I will give [Jupiter, Venus, Vulcan] should be understood as names for evolutionary forms of the future of our planet. »
(Chapter 4, p.122)


All that Max Heindel says about the Earth’s cosmic evolution is false, because he copied the lies invented by Charles Leadbeater, as well as the lies invented by Rudolf Steiner, who in turn also based on Leadbeater's lies. And the result is that the whole explanation given by these three individuals is completely false.

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