

On this matter, Max Heindel explained the following:

« So man builds and sows until the moment of death arrives. Then the seed time and the periods of growth and ripening are past. The harvest time has come, when the skeleton specter of Death arrives with his scythe and hour-glass.

That is a good symbol. The skeleton symbolizes the relatively permanent part of the body. The scythe represents the fact that this permanent part, which is about to be harvested by the spirit, is the fruitage of the life now drawing to a close. The hourglass in his hand indicates that the hour does not strike until the full course has been run in harmony with unvarying laws.

When that moment arrives a separation of the vehicles takes place. As his life in the Physical World is ended for the time being, it is not necessary for man to retain his dense body. The vital body, which as we have explained, also belongs to the Physical World, is withdrawn by way of the head, leaving the dense body inanimate.

(This is false, because the vital body is not part of the physical plane, it is part of the energetic plane, and this lie was invented by Leadbeater.)


The higher vehicles (vital body, desire body and mind) are seen to leave the dense body with a spiral movement, taking with them the soul of one dense atom. Not the atom itself, but the forces that played through it.

The results of the experiences passed through in the dense body during the life just ended have been impressed upon this particular atom. While all the other atoms of the dense body have been renewed from time to time, this permanent atom has remained.

It has remained stable, not only through one life, but it has been a part of every dense body ever used by a particular Ego. It is withdrawn at death only to re-awaken at the dawn of another physical life, to serve again as the nucleus around which is built the new dense body to be used by the same Ego. It is therefore called the “Seed Atom.”

During life the seed atom is situated in the left ventricle of the heart, near the apex. At death it rises to the brain by way of the pneumogastric nerve, leaving the dense body, together with the higher vehicles, by way of the sutures between the parietal and occipital bones.

(All this is false, and this is another lie invented by Leadbeater, who claimed that the registers of the different bodies are kept in "a permanent atom" corresponding to each of the bodies.

But the masters explained that all the characteristics of humans and their bodies remain stored in the skandhas, which are placed in the auric egg. And the lower skandhas become inactive when the human ascends to the divine World, and they are reactivated when the humans return to reincarnate.)


When the higher vehicles have left the dense body they are still connected with it by a slender, glistening, silvery cord shaped much like two figure sixes reversed, one upright and one horizontally placed, the two connected at the extremities of the hooks.

One end is fastened to the heart by means of the seed atom, and it is the rupture of the seed atom which causes the heart to stop. The cord itself is not snapped until the panorama of the past life, contained in the vital body, has been reviewed.

The silver cord snaps at the point where the sixes unite, half remaining with the dense body and the other half with the higher vehicles. From the time the cord snaps the dense body is quite dead.

(I don't know if the Max Heindel's description of the silver cord is correct, but it is false that the memories of life are contained in the vital body, because masters explained that in reality these memories are contained in the brain.

And it is true that the silver cord is what keeps the inner person connected with his physical body, but I have read that the connection is established in the navel and not in the heart. Although, I am not sure if it asseveration is true or not. However, I am inclined to think that this could be true, since the fetus begins to form connected with the navel.)


Care should be taken, however, not to cremate or embalm the body until at least three days after death, for while the vital body is with the higher vehicles, and they are still connected with the dense body by means of the silver cord, any postmortem examination or other injury to the dense body will be felt, in a measure, by the man.

Cremation should be particularly avoided in the first three days after death, because it tends to disintegrate the vital body, which should be kept intact until the panorama of the past life has been etched into the desire body.

(It is false that the vital body is disintegrated with the cremation, because as I pointed out above, the energy body does not belong to the physical plane.

The vital body has been constructed to remain operational for a period of time. And if, for example, the human had to live 90 years, but by accident, he dies at 60. Then the vital body will continue to function for another 30 years.

And during these thirty years, the human will remain in the astral plane, exactly the same as before, simply he will no longer have his physical body since it will have been eliminated.)


When the “silver cord” has broken in the heart, and man has been released from his dense body, a moment of the highest importance comes to the Ego, and it cannot be too seriously impressed upon the relatives of a dying person that it is a great crime against the departing soul to give expression to loud grief and lamentations, for it is just then engaged in a matter of supreme importance and a great deal of the value of the past life depends upon how much attention the soul can give to this matter. This will be made clearer when we come to the description of man's life in the Desire World.

(The masters agree that silence is ideal, but neither is it the end of the world if there is noise, because this separation process takes place automatically, without the involvement of the person, except unless he is already a very advanced human.)


It is also a crime against the dying to administer stimulants which have the effect of forcing the higher vehicles back into the dense body with a jerk, thus imparting a great shock to the man.

It is no torture to pass out, but it is torture to be dragged back to endure further suffering. Some who have passed out have told investigators that they had, in that way, been kept dying for hours and had prayed that their relatives would cease their mistaken kindness and let them die.

(Here, it depends on each case, for example a person who falls into a coma, sometimes it can be beneficial to try to bring her inner being back to her body.)


When the man is freed from the dense body, which was the heaviest clog upon his spiritual power (like the heavy mitten on the hand of the musician in our previous illustration), his spiritual power comes back in some measure, and he is able to read the pictures in the negative pole of the reflecting ether of his vital body, which is the seat of the subconscious memory.

(The masters explain that the human remains exactly the same after deadh as before, and his powers do not increase.

It is true that the human sees his life passing, but this happens when he is in the process to die, and not after he has freed himself from his physical body. And this does not happen because "his spiritual power has increased", but because it is the usual process where the brain transmits to the inner being, all the memories of what the person lived on Earth, consciously and unconsciously.)

The whole of his past life passes before his sight like a panorama, the events being presented in reverse order. The incidents of the days immediately preceding death come first and so on back through manhood or womanhood to youth, childhood and infancy. Everything is remembered.

The man stands as a spectator before this panorama of his past life. He sees the pictures as they pass and they impress themselves upon his higher vehicles, but he has no feeling about them at this time.

That is reserved until the time when he enters into the Desire World, which is the world of feeling and emotion. At present he is only in the Etheric Region of the Physical World.

(This is false, because this process takes place on the physical plane and before the brain turns off, and the energy plane does not belong to the physical plane, this is another Leadbeater invention.)

This panorama lasts from a few hours to several days, depending upon the length of time the man could keep awake, if necessary. Some people can keep awake only twelve hours, or even less; others can do so, upon occasion, for a number of days, but as long as the man can remain awake, this panorama lasts.

(This is also false, because this remembering takes only a short time.)

This feature of life after death is similar to that which takes place when one is drowning or falling from a height. In such cases the vital body also leaves the dense body and the man sees his life in a flash, because he loses consciousness at once. Of course the “silver cord” is not broken, or there could be no resuscitation.


When the endurance of the vital body has reached its limit, it collapses in the way described when we were considering the phenomenon of sleep. During physical life, when the Ego controls its vehicles, this collapse terminates the waking hours; after death the collapse of the vital body terminates the panorama and forces the man to withdraw into the Desire World.

(This is incorrect, because in reality the vital body does not intervene in this affair. It is the physical body which forces that separation, either by the old age, or because an event caused its death prematurely.)

The silver cord breaks at the point where the sixes unite, and the same division is made as during sleep, but with this important difference, that though the vital body returns to the dense body, it no longer interpenetrates it, but simply hovers over it. It remains floating over the grave, decaying synchronously with the dense vehicle.

(The silver cord is not divided during sleep, because then the person would die.)

Hence, to the trained clairvoyant, a graveyard is a nauseating sight and if only more people could see it as he does, little argument would be necessary to induce them to change from the present unsanitary method of disposing of the dead to the more rational method of cremation, which restores the elements to their primordial condition without the objectionable features incident to the process of slow decay.

(As I mentioned earlier, the vital body does not disintegrate until its time has arrived. However, what disintegrates with the physical body is its subtle counterpart, which corresponds to its denser astral aspect. This is the unconscious "ghost" which is sometimes perceived on the physical plane.

And this counterpart rots and generates subtle pestilent emanations that humans do not currently perceive – except those who are very sensitive – but which affect people negatively, and that is why it would be preferable to get rid of cemeteries.)

In leaving the vital body the process is much the same as when the dense body is discarded. The life forces of one atom are taken, to be used as a nucleus for the vital body of a future embodiment. Thus, upon his entrance into the Desire World the man has the seed atoms of the dense and the vital bodies, in addition to the desire body and the mind.


In the beginning of 1906 Dr. McDougall made a series of experiments in the Massachusetts General Hospital, to determine, if possible, whether anything not ordinarily visible left the body at death. For this purpose he constructed a pair of scales capable of registering differences of one-tenth of an ounce.

The dying person and his bed were placed on one of the platforms of the scale, which was then balanced by weights placed on the opposite platform. In every instance it was noted that at the precise moment when the dying person drew the last breath, the platform containing the weights dropped with startling suddenness, lifting the bed and the body, thus showing that something invisible, but having weight, had left the body.

Thereupon the newspapers all over the country announced in glaring headlines that Dr. McDougall had “weighed the soul.” Occultism hails with joy the discoveries of modern science, as they invariably corroborate what occult science has long taught.

The experiments of Dr. McDougall showed conclusively that something invisible to ordinary sight left the body at death, as trained clairvoyants had seen, and as had been stated in lectures and literature for many years previous to Dr. McDougall's discovery.

But this invisible “something” is not the soul. There is a great difference. The reporters jump at conclusions when they state that the scientists have “weighed the soul.” The soul belongs to higher realms and can never be weighed on physical scales, even though they registered variations of one-millionth part of a grain instead of one-tenth of an ounce.

It was the vital body which the scientist weighed. It is formed of the four ethers and they belong to the Physical World.

As we have seen, a certain amount of this ether is “superimposed” upon the ether which envelops the particles of the human body and is confined there during physical life, adding in a slight degree to the weight of the dense body of plant, animal and man. In death it escapes; hence the diminution in weight noticed by Dr. McDougall when the persons with whom he experimented expired.

(The vital body is not composed of four ethers, that is another lie invented by Leadbeater.

And I've heard about the research done by Dr. Mac Dougall, but I can't tell you what he weighed. On the other hand, what I can tell you is that Max Heindel is partially wrong when he says that the soul remains in the higher realms.

Because although most of the soul remains in the divine world, she also projects a ray of her essence towards the Earth, and this ray will interact with the physical world.)

Dr. McDougall also tried his scales in weighing dying animals. No diminution was found here, though one of the animals was a St. Bernard dog. That was taken to indicate that animals have no souls.

A little later, however, Professor La V. Twining, head of the Science Department of the Los Angeles Polytechnic School, experimented with mice and kittens, which he enclosed in hermetically sealed glass flasks. His scales were the most sensitive procurable and were enclosed in a glass case from which all moisture had been removed.

It was found that all the animals observed lost weight at death. A good sized mouse, weighing 12.886 grams, suddenly lost 3.1 milligrams at death.

A kitten used in another experiment lost one hundred milligrams while dying and at its last gasp it suddenly lost an additional sixty milligrams. After that it lost weight slowly, due to evaporation.

Thus the teaching of occult science in regard to the possession of vital bodies by animals was also vindicated when sufficiently fine scales were used, and the case where the rather insensitive scales did not show diminution in the weight of the St. Bernard dog shows that the vital bodies of animals are proportionately lighter than in man.

(I cannot tell you if animals have a proportionally lighter vital body than humans, but that could be possible, because humans have more developed their subtle bodies.

However, I don't think that can be perceived with a scale, and for me it remains a mystery what doctors have weighed, but I don't think they are subtle bodies.) »

(The Rosicrucian Cosmos Conception, Chapter 3)


Max Heindel, about the process experienced by humans at the time of death, said some asseverations in correspondence with what the Masters of Wisdom taught, but unfortunately most of his explanations are incorrect because he copied the lies invented by Charles Leadbeater.

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