About how the human descends from
Heaven to Earth to reincarnate in a new physical body, Max Heindel wrote the
« After a time comes the desire
for new experience and the contemplation of a new birth. This conjures up a
series of pictures before the vision of the spirit — a panorama of the new life
in store for it. But, mark this well — this panorama contains only principal
events. The spirit has free will as to detail.
Previous to taking the dip into
matter, the threefold spirit is naked, having only the forces of the four seed
atoms (which are the nuclei of the threefold body and the sheath of mind). Its
descent resembles the putting on of several pairs of gloves of increasing
thickness, as previously illustrated.
The forces of the mind of the
last incarnation are awakened from their latency in the seed atom. This begins
to attract to itself materials from the highest subdivision of the Region of
Concrete Thought, in a manner similar to that in which a magnet draws to itself
iron filings.
If we hold a magnet over a
miscellaneous heap of filings of brass, silver, gold, iron, lead and other
metals, we shall find that it selects only iron filings and that even of them
it will take no more than its strength enables it to lift. Its attractive power
is of a certain kind and is limited to a certain quantity of that kind.
The same is true of the seed
atom. It can take, in each Region, nothing except the material for which it has
an affinity and nothing beyond a certain definite quantity even of that. Thus
the vehicle built around this nucleus becomes an exact counterpart of the
corresponding vehicle of the last incarnation, minus the evil which has been
expurgated and plus the quintessence of good which has been incorporated in the
seed atom.
The material selected by the
threefold spirit forms itself into a great bell-shaped figure, open at the
bottom and with the seed atom at the top. If we conceive of the illustration
spiritually we may compare it to a diving-bell descending into a sea composed
of fluids of increasing density. These correspond to the different subdivisions
of each World.
The matter taken into the texture
of the bell-shaped body makes it heavier, so that it sinks into the next lower
subdivision and takes from that its proper quota of matter. Thus it becomes
still heavier and sinks yet deeper until it has passed through the four
subdivisions of the Region of Concrete Thought and the sheath of the new mind
of the man is complete.
Next the forces in the seed atom
of the desire body are awakened. It places itself at the top of the bell,
inside, and the materials of the seventh Region of the Desire World draw around
it until it sinks to the sixth Region, getting more material there, and this
process continues until the first Region of the Desire World is reached. The
bell has now two layers — the sheath of mind outside and the new desire body
The seed atom of the vital body
is next aroused into activity, but here the process of formation is not so
simple as in the case of the mind and the desire body, for it must be
remembered that those vehicles were comparatively unorganized, while the vital
body and the dense body are more organized and very complicated.
The material, of a given quantity
and quality, is attracted in the same manner and under the operation of the
same law as in the case of the higher bodies, but the building of the new body
and the placement in the proper environment is done by four great Beings of
immeasurable wisdom, which are the Recording Angels, the “Lords of Destiny.”
They impress the reflecting ether
of the vital body in such a way that the pictures of the coming life are
reflected in it. It (the vital body) is built by the inhabitants of the Heaven
World and the elemental spirits in such a manner as to form a particular type
of brain.
But mark this, the reincarnating
Ego itself incorporates therein the quintessence of its former vital bodies and
in addition to this also does a little original work. This is done that in the
coming life there may be some room for original and individual expression, not
predetermined by past action.
(All this Max Heindel’s
explanation is false, because the seed atoms and the ethers do not exist, since
they are lies invented by Charles Leadbeater, which shows that Max Heindel was
also a big liar.)
The vital body, having been
molded by the Lords of Destiny, will give form to the dense body, organ for
organ. This matrix or mold is then placed in the womb of the future mother.
The seed atom for the dense body
is in the triangular head of one of the spermatozoa in the semen of the father.
This alone makes fertilization possible and here is the explanation of the fact
that so many times sex-unions are unfruitful.
Also there must be a seed atom
for the dense body, to act as gauge of the quality and quantity of the matter
which is to be built into that dense body.
(This is also wrong, because the
vital body was not molded by the Lords of Destinity, the vital body was molded
by the Skandhas. The vital body does not give form to the physical body; this
is the function of the astral body, while the function of the vital body is to
bring life. And Max Heindel continues to invent lies with the seed atoms.)
When the impregnation of the ovum
has taken place, the desire body of the mother works upon it for a period of
from eighteen to twenty-one days, the Ego remaining outside in its desire body
and mind sheath, yet always in close touch with the mother.
Upon the expiration of that time the
Ego enters the mother's body. The bell-shaped vehicles draw themselves down
over the head of the vital body and the bell closes at the bottom. From this
time the Ego broods over its coming instrument until the birth of the child and
the new earth life of the reincarnating Ego commences.
(This is also false, because the
great instructors say that the Ego begins to enter the mother's body around the
third month of pregnancy and ends up integrating into the baby's body at the
seventh month.) »
(The Rosicrucian Cosmo
Conception, chapter 3)
Almost everything Max Heindel taught about how the reincarnation process
takes place is wrong.
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